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Archive: Financial Advice

  1. Great rates on CDs now!

    Great rates on CDs now!

    CD interest rates have risen dramatically for the first time in several years. If you’re ready to invest some money but the current volatility of the stock market concerns you, an 18- or 27-month CD is a great option.

    Just a $500 minimum balance is required to open a CD, and you can get an interest …

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  2. Beware of online scams this holiday season!

    Beware of online scams this holiday season!

    Online scams are increasing as the holiday shopping season continues. Generally speaking, scammers will attempt to gain trust by impersonating a known contact or business, and will often create their own verification procedure that seems legitimate – like asking for personal information on a website or over the phone.

    To stay safe online, Slovenian Savings & …

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  3. Consider a mortgage with Slovenian Savings & Loan!

    Consider a mortgage with Slovenian Savings & Loan!

    Mortgage loans are what launched Slovenian Savings & Loan more than 100 years ago, and they are still one of our most important products. We enjoy helping people achieve the dream of home ownership – especially first-time buyers! We pride ourselves on offering experienced, friendly customer service for people seeking a mortgage, and hope you’ll …

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  4. Thinking of home improvements? Consider a home equity loan!

    Thinking of home improvements? Consider a home equity loan!

    Are you a homeowner? You may be able to use the equity you’ve built up in your home to borrow money for any purpose — including home improvements or renovations, debt consolidation, or college tuition — through a loan with Slovenian.

    There are two ways you can borrow money using your home as collateral — a …

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  5. Balancing Your Checkbook

    Balancing Your Checkbook

    Balancing your checkbook is an important and simple habit to develop if you want to practice better money management in 2017. Being financially responsible means being in control of your budget and spending. You shouldn’t have to wonder if a check will bounce or a card will be declined because of insufficient funds, you should …

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