All Slovenian branches will be closed on Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day. As always, E-banking & ATMs are available 24/7!

Serving our community since 1915.

Slovenian Spotlight: Debbie Castiglione

Slovenian Spotlight: Debbie Castiglione

Born in Bon Air, Deborah Castiglione graduated from Conemaugh Valley High School in 1974, and was soon hired by Slovenian Savings & Loan.

“The chairman of the Slovenian board was one of my high school teachers, and he recommended I interview for an open teller position at the Conemaugh location,” she recalls. “They hired me on the spot.”

At the time, the Conemaugh location was Slovenian’s only branch office.

“The Moxham office was Slovenian’s first new branch, opening in 1986. That was an exciting time for the board, management and employees. When the board offered me the branch manager position I was hesitant at first,” Debbie recalls. “I have really enjoyed being part of the leadership here, and being part of the association’s growth.”

She notes that her career has spanned many changes in the banking world, from banking laws and regulations to technology – “from carbon paper to computers,” she laughs, noting that she still keeps a few sheets of carbon paper as a reminder.

When Debbie started her career with Slovenian, there was one location and six employees – today, there are five locations and 37 employees. But throughout the years of growth and change, some things have remained the same.

“Slovenian has always treated everyone so well,” she says. “I think that’s why people – both employees and customers – tend to stay with us for a long time. The managers of our branches do a great job making Slovenian a great place for employees and customers, while our front-line staff treat our customers well – and that’s where it all starts.”

In addition to her duties as manager for the Moxham location, Debbie has served as the secretary of the association’s board of directors since 1988.

Debbie currently resides in the Cover Hill neighborhood of Conemaugh Township.

“I love it when children of customers who I used to help as a teller come back to Slovenian as adults,” she says. “Back then, I’d give them a lollipop – it’s amazing to be in a position to help them finance the purchase of their first home.”

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