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Archive: Budget Management

  1. How to create a household budget

    How to create a household budget

    Most of us have financial goals – to get out of debt, buy a house, send a child to college, plan for retirement. These goals often evolve over time, depending on your personal circumstances. But one of the best steps you can take toward any financial goal is to develop a monthly budget and stick …

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  2. Let Slovenian Savings & Loan help you with debt reduction strategies

    Let Slovenian Savings & Loan help you with debt reduction strategies

    Financial advisors sometimes talk about “good” debt and “bad” debt. Good debt is defined as an investment that will either increase in value, or create long-term rewards – such as a mortgage, or even student loans. Bad debt is debt that’s incurred to buy something that doesn’t create long-term value, and generally carries a much …

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  3. Simplify Your Life with Online Bill Pay

    Simplify Your Life with Online Bill Pay

    There are a lot of ways to make payments online, but paying with Slovenian Savings & Loan online bill pay is by far the best option — because you can pay all your bills, track payments, and manage your finances in one secure, convenient place! It’s much easier than visiting multiple sites to pay bills, …

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  4. Balancing Your Checkbook

    Balancing Your Checkbook

    Balancing your checkbook is an important and simple habit to develop if you want to practice better money management in 2017. Being financially responsible means being in control of your budget and spending. You shouldn’t have to wonder if a check will bounce or a card will be declined because of insufficient funds, you should …

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